
Showing posts from October, 2015

Guyana, South America

The Global Field Program through Miami University is a master's program that changes attitudes and behaviors towards our Earth. It promotes a love of this planet, its systems and processes, its species and resources, its ecosystems and interactions, and the Homo sapiens who have the responsibility of using it sustainably. The amazing Kaiteur Falls. I have seen the beauty of this Earth, and I have the responsibility to bring it to others, show them how fragile it is, and inspire them to save it.  A momma spider monkey looking down from above.  A beautiful species hidden deep in the rainforest and affected by humans' excessive need for their home which provides resources that we throw away after one use.  This is Junior. A vibrant young Makushi who lives in Surama, Guyana. He shared his knowledge of the rainforest with us as one of our guides. He even taught us traditional practices, such as making this arrow for hunting.   The Makushi culture was stifled through years of