Goals can be achieved and dreams can come true. We have been working towards our goal of teaching overseas for a few years. Today we were offered a job with Quality Schools International to teach at Almaty International School in Almaty, Kazakhstan for the 2013-2014 school year! Keith will be teaching 3rd grade and Audra will be teaching AP Biology and Physical Science. Our contract will be for two years.  After that time, we can choose to come back to the USA, stay in Almaty, or transfer to another one of QSI's schools in another country.  :)  Click on the links above to learn about Quality Schools International and why we are so excited to work for them! We think we will be moving around the beginning of August.

Not sure where Kazakhstan is?  Check out the map! Almaty is on the southeast corner, close to China.

A picture of the school is below:

Here are some pictures of Almaty:  

We told the kids this morning and they are really excited.  I expect that they will feel a range of emotions from now through the move.  We will stay positive and excited as we help them deal with the emotions of such a major change in their lives. We still have lots of questions, but we are thrilled to begin our global journey and new adventure!


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