
Showing posts from 2014

Summer 2014 Music Video

Keith made a great video that documented our family summer vacation in England, California and Paris.  Check it out!

New school video featuring Audra and Adeline!

Our school, Almaty International School, had a promotional video made last year, and guess who it features!  Audra and Adeline are both in it!  Check it out!

Baja has my heart.

I went to Baja, Mexico this summer as I am pursuing my Master's in Biology through the Global Field Program at Miami University. The experience was so much more than just a course.  It was so much more than just academic.  It was so much more than just ecotourism.  It was so much more than just field work. It was so much more than I ever thought it would be.  I discovered pieces of myself in Baja.  It's no secret that I love science and I love to travel.  So I knew this Master's program was perfect for me!  What I didn't bank on was looking deep into myself, honestly, without judgement, and being able to fight through the cloudiness to discover where I wanted to go and who I wanted to be. This if Rafael.  I get tears in my eyes every time I look at this picture.  He has a way of looking deep into your soul and telling you more about yourself than you thought was possible for a stranger to know.  "You were born somebody."  This is his message for all who

Return to Paris

Paris - je t'adore.  We had the great chance to go to Paris on our way back to Almaty this August.  Audra has been there before, and even did a semester abroad when she was 19.  It was great to be back.  It reminded me of how much I love all things French.  :)  We met Paris in the rain.  Fresh off the plane, we cleaned up at the hotel and then went into the city.  We got some baguette sandwiches at a local boulangerie and ate them at the park behind Notre Dame.  The bridge of locks symbolizing love.  Behind us is Notre Dame's flying buttresses.   We waited in a horrendously long line to get in, and it poured.  But man was it worth it!  The line went fast, and the inside of Notre Dame is breath taking.  It is very rare to see Notre Dame without scaffolding!  We were so lucky to see it in its entirety.  Breathtaking.  The inside is surprisingly peaceful after the crazy crowds outside.  This has always been one of my favorite places.  It has a special spirit.

California … knows how to PARTAY (Name that song)

We love California.  Audra grew up here, two of our children were born here, and we have many memories of this state.  Sunshine, family, friends, new and old places, fun and relaxation.  Our summer was just what we needed.  :)  Bowling with Uncle Burke (Audra's brother)!  Show us your moves!  Henry does a cannonball at the Newbury Park High School pool.  This is where Audra went to high school.  Adeline plunges off the high dive! Lora DIVES off the high dive!  That girl has guts!  We love family visitors and cousins!  Brinley, Beckham and Myla came to visit us!  Thanks Nicole and Eileen for making the trip down to California.    Adeline was embraced by the Young Women in the Conejo Canyon Ward (LDS) this summer.  She had the opportunity to go to Girls Camp, and we jumped at it.  We don't have these opportunities in Kazakhstan, so everyone was really excited for her!  Here they are getting the trucks packed up to go.  What a great group of wom