Return to Paris

Paris - je t'adore.  We had the great chance to go to Paris on our way back to Almaty this August.  Audra has been there before, and even did a semester abroad when she was 19.  It was great to be back.  It reminded me of how much I love all things French.  :)

 We met Paris in the rain.  Fresh off the plane, we cleaned up at the hotel and then went into the city.  We got some baguette sandwiches at a local boulangerie and ate them at the park behind Notre Dame.

 The bridge of locks symbolizing love.  Behind us is Notre Dame's flying buttresses.  

We waited in a horrendously long line to get in, and it poured.  But man was it worth it!  The line went fast, and the inside of Notre Dame is breath taking.  It is very rare to see Notre Dame without scaffolding!  We were so lucky to see it in its entirety.  Breathtaking.  The inside is surprisingly peaceful after the crazy crowds outside.  This has always been one of my favorite places.  It has a special spirit.

When I lived in Paris, oh so long ago, this is where I went to school.  I followed my instinct and walked right back to it!  

 Of course we had to go to the Jewish quarter and eat falafels!  The best we've ever had.

 The Eiffel Tower didn't disappoint.  The sky was clear and the view was beautiful.  The kids were so amazed at how big it was.

 We found a crepe stand where Audra could practice her French and order everybody a crepe.  Of course banana Nutella was the favorite.  :)

 Oh my gosh.  French bakeries cannot be beat.  Henry looks like he's up to something.

 The sign on the door said they had the best baguette in Paris.  Of course we had to get one!

 Adeline started asking for escargot from the moment we got there.  So one night, we caved in and everyone tasted escargot.  Lora gaged, but Henry and Adeline asked for more!  Those two must be French at heart.

 The beautiful Seine River at night with the Eiffel Tower and Musee d'Orsay in the background.

Outside the Louvre!  Henry hurt his knee at a park in the Tuileries Garden, so he was limping around.  This was bittersweet.  Yes, he got hurt, but his injury enabled us to skip the HUGE line to get into the Louvre!  Thanks for being reckless, Henry!

 Dear Mona, Your crowds are ridiculous, and I cannot see you from so far away since you are behind glass.  Despite these unfortunate circumstances, you are still remarkable.  Your eyes follow us as we walk around the room.  Your hands are beautifully placed, and your smirky smile says that you know something about why people wait for hours just to see you.  Thanks for the memory.

 OH - Champs-Elysees!  Can anyone sing that song?

The Arc de Triomphe!  It is in the middle of a round-a-bout.  We sat for a minute and watched people risk their lives as they ran in front of cars to get to it.  We contemplated it for about half a second, and then realized we would be terrible parents if we put our kids into that kind of danger!  Luckily, we asked some policemen how to get across and they directed us to an underground tunnel!  Ah ha!  We knew there was a better way!

 River Seine on a beautiful French day.  Adeline was dying to get a beret, and was thrilled to find a blue one that day!

 Strolling along the river.  You can see Notre Dame on the left.

 Our transportation of choice - Le Metro!  You can get ANYWHERE in Paris in about 20 minutes. 

Paris has these cool fountains with potable water all around the city.  The water just keeps flowing from the middle of the fountain, so all you have to do it put your water bottle under the flow and fill up!  No button needed!

 Paris has beautiful art, fountains and sculptures everywhere.  I believe this is Place de Saint Michel.

Sacre Coeur is one of my most favorite places on earth.  It is surrounded by the artist's quarter, which never disappoints.  The view of the city from Sacre Coeur is amazing, even without going to the top.  But of course, we had to go to the top.  It's cheaper than going up the Eiffel Tower, and gives you just as good of a view.

 View of the Eiffel Tower from the top of Sacre Coeur.

 This building is a peaceful church inside, and a work of art throughout.

 Close to Sacre Coeur is its anti-thesis, Moulin Rouge.  We strolled past, and then realized that we had to tell the kids to just look straight ahead as we were suddenly surrounded by erotic shops.  Oops.  Bad parenting move.  :(

The Luxembourg Gardens.  Children can rent little sail boats to put in the fountain, and then they run around with these huge wooden dowels and push it as it goes from side to side.  It was so fun!

 The kids with their sail boats as they took them out of the fountain.

 Gorgeous Medicis fountain in Luxembourg Gardens.

We happened upon a statue of liberty in Luxembourg Gardens!  The plaque said that it was the precursor to the one the French gave to the United States.  I guess it was the prototype.  How cool is that!?!

We loved Paris.  We walked everywhere.  We ate well.  We enjoyed beautiful art at every turn.  The churches are magnificent and the city has an air of life that I have never felt anywhere else.  It truly is a passionate city unlike anywhere else I have ever been.  French people really know how to take quality of life seriously.  The kids asked if we could move there - aah, if only it wasn't so darned expensive, we would literally JUMP at the chance.  We miss you already, Paris!


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